HAREM - meaning and definition. What is HAREM
Online Dictionary

What (who) is HAREM - definition

O HAREM é uma avaliação internacional para sistemas de Processamento da Linguagem Natural específicos para a língua portuguesa.
Lugar, em que se guardam as concubinas de um sultão.
Conjunto das odaliscas de um harém.
Parte da casa de um muçulmano, destinada à habitação das mulheres.
(Fr. harem, do ár. karam)
sm (fr harem, do ár Haram)
1 Parte da casa muçulmana destinada às mulheres.
2 Conjunto de mulheres legítimas, concubinas, parentas e serviçais de uma casa muçulmana.
3 Zool Grupo de fêmeas associadas com um só macho.
4 Lupanar.
Examples of use of HAREM
1. Also on the bill is Abdullah‘s harem performing a national dance.
2. Rupert Wace is currently presiding over an enviable palm–sized harem in his Bond Street premises.
3. As the gap between rich and poor grows, he said a call to jihad "is getting nearer and nearer." At his mosque, the 35–year–old said "drinking alcohol is harem‘ (forbidden), prostitution is harem‘ and for men to have sex with boys is harem‘ ... and it is all going on in Kabul.
4. The pictures appeared in Italian magazine Oggi with the headline Berlusconi‘s Harem.
5. Buried with them were the childless and ageing royal concubines from his harem.